Sexual Assault Awareness Month

In honor of April 26th being Denim Day, victims of Sexual Assault need to get more attention. Although it is a sensitive topic, uncomfortable conversations still need to be talked about.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
This campaign reaches out to all individuals and communities who want to make a change for not only themselves but for all of the surrounding systems to “build racial equity and respect.”

Denim Day // Division of Student Affairs // Marquette University

Denim Day is about a day to wear denim to show resilience and stand up against sexual violence as it strongly encourages educating others. It started after a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape victim because since she had on tight jeans, she had to have helped whoever assaulted her by taking her clothes off for them. Which by their logic “implied” her consent. It was and is disgusting that they try to show justification for these acts of abuse through the clothing of the victims. Whether it is revealing or not, tight or not, it is never an invitation for rape and no one deserves to have that happen to them.

The first Tuesday of April is the SAAM Day of Action which is a day to start off the month by planning and taking actions to spread awareness. Sexual assault comes in many different forms and affects everyone differently. It is said to have led to “depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other physical and emotional wounds.” Lots of ways to take action include not only educating and spreading awareness but also donating, volunteering, and representing those who may not be able to speak up about it themselves.

According to the Rainn organization, “1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime” and “every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted.” Sexual assault affects everyone, not just women.

UNL CARE hosts events to recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month | News |
Teal is the official color of SAAM because it symbolizes sexual violence prevention.

The National Sexual Assault Hotline is 1-800-656-4673 and it connects you to a local sexual assault service provider. They are trained to keep your information confidential but also be there to support and help in your time of need.

Regardless, never be afraid to speak up and talk to someone about these types of things. Help is always available and there are always resources to use. There are ways to start making changes towards detrimental issues in our societies and it starts with spreading awareness and educating!

More SAAM Information from the White House,safety%2C%20justice%2C%20and%20healing.

The Meaning Behind Denim Day

RAINN Organization Statistics, Role in Prevention and More about the Hotline

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